Boycott NETFLIX for objectionable and divisive programming, e.g. "DEAR WHITE PEOPLE" new tv series

We the signers will boycott NETFLIX for its divisive, biased and offensive programming for on-line streaming, with the report that NETFLIX has entered the deal to distribute the television "comedy" series DEAR WHITE PEOPLE, based on the independent film of the same name that was the hit at Sundance Film Festival and released to theatres in the limited markets in 2014.
See the articles on the announcement to co-produce and distribute DEAR WHITE PEOPLE through NETFLIX:
- The Hollywood Reporter: 'Dear White People' TV Series Based on Movie a Go at Netflix
- USA Today: Netflix orders 'Dear White People' series
- New York Daily News: 'Dear White People' gets series order from Netflix
For context, view the teaser trailer of the theatrical film DEAR WHITE PEOPLE (click here).
NETFLIX has co-produced and distributed such vulgar and offensive exclusive programming as Jessica Jones and Sense8, appropriating the Netflix subscriber base's money paid to subscription services.
With the announcement of Netflix co-producing and distributing the new television series 'DEAR WHITE PEOPLE,' which is allegedly a satire but that only mock and disparage the race relations with the overt attack on the Caucasian race for jest and indoctrination that makes it more divisive to promote racial strife between people of color and innocuous white people, this latest action is the cherry on top that should compel the subscribers to disconnect from Netflix by canceling subscription, between now and following the premiere of 'DEAR WHITE PEOPLE' tv series within the subscriber-only Netflix channel.
We do not need the furtherance of racial strife promoted by political correctness and hatred, especially directed towards the white people for confrontal venting in blaming and condemning.
We are supposed to be past the problems of the race relations, with President Obama's elections that are supposed to usher in harmonious "post-racial America."
Yet, antagonistic programs, such as 'DEAR WHITE PEOPLE' and Quentin Tarantino's latest films (INGLORIOUS BASTARDS and DJANGO UNCHAINED), the latter as the semi-permanent fixture on Netflix for streaming, are designed to continually impede and harm the progressing race relations, with inciting and encouragement of resentful jealousy and hatred against the innocent white people as promoted by the media outlets that include Netflix.
Boycott NETFLIX by canceling subscription to send the company the message, that their distribution of offensive exclusive-content programming, especially DEAR WHITE PEOPLE tv series, is deplorable and damaging to the fragile race relations within America and parts of the world where such programs are exhibited with the agenda that only offend and derogate the white viewers while provoking the people of color to assume prejudice against the white people, that could balkanize the community and fracture the race relations to regressive negativity.