Three years agoBridgend Inspiring Growth(BIG) formed as a group of concerned volunteers to renovate the farmhouse. Since, it has been working with surrounding community groups and individuals, alongside an architect and business consultant, to explore the potential for transforming the farmhouse into an environment and outdoor orientated centre, owned and run by local communities.
The farmhouse is now on the open market so BIG is at a crucial turning point that will determine the entire future of the project. Please sign the petition to show you support the BIG’s proposals!
BIG’s vision for the refurbished farmhouse sees a sympathetically restored building providing a range of flexible accommodation run on a social enterprise basis.
The intention is to renovate the building to be a centre forlearning, eating and exercise.
The farmhouse will:
- provide a community kitchen and café that promotes health living and eating
- provide outdoor education, exercise and sport within the city
- provide a workshop and activities for special needs groups
- link surrounding areas to the woods and their history
- be a base for environmental organisations and firms
- provide volunteer opportunities
Please spread the word!
For more information visit: