Bring Back Gypsy
Savannah Prezioso 0

Bring Back Gypsy

33149 signers. Add your name now!
Savannah Prezioso 0 Comments
33149 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

I know many of you are heartbroken over the news of Netflix canceling Gypsy after only one season. So am I. We have become attached to Jean and Sidney and their beautiful and powerful (albeit sometimes dysfunctional) love.

The cancellation comes after Naomi Watts praised Netflix for being "a fantastic place for storytelling" for women, "particularly this kind of character [in Gypsy] – it's just hard to find someone that's both good and bad".

The LGBT community has been ostracized time and time again. Netflix didn't even promote this show! Why? The entire cast and crew of Gypsy are on board for a Season 2! Netflix is ignoring the fans and listening to the critics. So it's politics. Let's fight back.

Sense 8 was brought back for a 2 hour finale after fans tirelessly banned together in protest. It's possible.

Share this petition on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and anywhere else you can think of. Introduce Gypsy to your friends, family, and coworkers! We can do this!!!

It only takes a single match to start a fire!!! Fight the power!! #

A more direct way to help is to call Netflix and ask for a Season 2 of Gypsy. US fans: 866-579-7172, non US fans: 1-866-579-7172

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