To bring Jim Beaver back to Supernatural

This is a petition to bring Jim Beaver back as Bobby Singer on Supernatural. Bobby has been such an important part of the show. So important that the episode Weekend at Bobby's (15 October 2010) entirely dedicated to him is by far one of the fans favorite. Since Devil's Trap (4 May 2006), Bobby has been the most amazing supporting character, you can ask any SPN fan about him, and you will get hours of stories, why he is so important, and how we all miss him. 48 episodes later in Death's Door (2 December 2011), he was taken away from the fandom, and we all wept. In the next 5 episodes we went from hoping he will be back, to seeing him as a ghost, and finally saying our final goodbye’s in Survival of the Fittest (18 May 2012).
The flask was burned, but the flask’s casing is still there, we hope the powers that be will see, the fandom is not ready or willing to let go. Bobby is as important to us as Jared, Jensen, and Misha. We simply are begging to have him back.