Hi there. My name is Jeff Davis, and I'm a Theater Critic in the Austin, TX area. My job primarily involves reviewing theatrical productions, and on 5/8/2013, I had the pleasure of seeing and reviewing the outstanding national tour of PRISCILLA QUEEN OF THE DESERT. PRISCILLA visited Austin, TX from 5/8/2013 thru 5/12/2013 and was a great success. People from all over Central Texas ventured to the Bass Concert Hall in Downtown Austin to see the show. Many of them drove hours to see the lavish production, and nearly a month later, people are still raving about the show. As a Theater Critic, I see several shows a week. In the few weeks since seeing PRISCILLA, I've seen 10 other productions, and at every single one, I've overhead someone in the audience, either before the show or during intermission, raving about PRISCILLA and recommending it to their friends. That level of positive response is something I have never seen in my career. PRISCILLA resonates with audiences for several reasons, one of them being the fact that is the ONLY show touring the USA that features three lead characters who are all members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender community. The show definitely resonates with the LGBT community in Central Texas, but people from all walks of life saw and enjoyed the show during its Austin run. Sadly, the show was only here for 5 short days, meaning several people did not get a chance to see it. By signing this petition, you are letting the producers of the PRISCILLA tour know that there is a want and need to bring this show back to Central Texas in the near future. Thank you for your support! -Jeff Davis Contributing Editor, BroadwayWorld - Austin To read BroadwayWorld's review of PRISCILLA, please visit http://nationaltours.broadwayworld.com/article/BWW-Reviews-PRISCILLA-Is-Anything-But-a-Drag-20130509