Bring Back the Cadbury\'s Wispa!
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

In September 2003, Cadbury\'s discontinued their Wispa range to be replaced under the name of \'Dairy Milk Bubbly\'. If you\'ve ever had one of these Bubbly bars then you\'ll realise that they are nothing like the original Wispa bars and this petition is a campaign to try to convince Cadburys to bring back the original Wispa. Who could forget that velvety textured milk chocolate, along with the brilliantly thought up Wispa Gold, Wispa Mint and Wispa Bite. If you love Wispa bars like I do then please sign this petition, when we\'ve got enough signitures then the \'Wispa Wanderers\' will take it to the big guys at Cadburys and demand it comes back. Together we can make the world of chocolate a better place!
www.embrace.co.uk is a message board for Embrace fans. On this board we are trying to get their new single \'Ashes\' to number 1, and seeing how people could come together and unite for what they want inspired me to do the Wispa petition. If you are a fan of embrace, or just good music then please buy the new single Ashes released on November 15th 2004! G.A.T.N.O all the way!