Build New Council Housing

HOUSING IS TOO IMPORTANT TO BE LEFT TO THE MARKET With 25,000 on the city’s housing waiting list that is growing by the day, the policy of Leeds City Council to rely on private developers to provide the affordable homes we need has clearly failed. As the recession bites, people more than ever want and need low rents and secure tenancies. THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE – Build new Council Homes! We demand the Council builds and democratically manages a new generation of first-class council housing to meet the city’s housing needs with rental income solely used to fund the management, maintenance and repair of properties. STOP DEMOLISHING DECENT HOUSING – Repair and refurbish what we’ve already got! We demand the Council stops demolishing structurally sound housing at huge expense and instead invests the money in improving homes. We need to keep our housing stock. TAKE OVER EMPTY PROPERTIES – Stop the criminal waste! We demand the Council uses its legal powers ('Empty Dwelling Management Orders') to take over empty properties and use them for those in need. There are over 17,000 empty homes in Leeds.