Call for action KKK/blackface at Swakopmund Karnival

if you've been on social media lately you'll have seen the shocking images of youths dressing up in offensive gear for the Swakopmund Carnival (Kuska-Maskenball). A traditionally German festival that happens in Namibia. The youths in question dressed up as members of the Ku Klux Klan and did themselves up in laborers costumes using blackface. Their get ups got them into the national German newspaper, Allgemeine Zeitung. But not for the reasons you'd expect! They were celebrated. And their outfits called 'imaginative'. We have been independent and democratic for 25 years yet we experience this offensive content in our press! We need to act, and fast. We need to stand up and call for an end to this racial insensitivity. We hereby call for a public apology from the individuals in costume, an explanation from the organizers of the event as to how this was permitted to happen. Lastly it is important to ask that the newspaper in question makes an inquiry into it's own reaction and lack of critical responce to heinous and damaging behaviour