Stop the Demolition of the Campus Rd Garden

If you support the Campus Road Community Garden, please sign this petition to President Karen L. Gould directly demanding her to leave the garden in peace! Dear President Gould, Since, 1995, the Campus Road Community Garden has created a welcoming space for local gardeners and the campus community. It symbolizes Brooklyn College's role in participating in projects with the surrounding community. It also offers an educational space for faculty, students and staff alike. Looking from the historical urban farm through the globalization of agribusiness, to the current era of emphasis on local, sustainable production and the White House Organic Garden, the Campus Road Community Garden increases in importance. We know that you did not create the plan to destroy the Campus Road Community Garden to "put up a parking lot"; you were handed this plan upon your arrival. But this is not the way we want to introduce you to the community. We would like you to demonstrate the college's commitment to community, sustainable development and the educational goals the garden represents by stopping the impending demolition of the beloved garden. We want your arrival at Brooklyn College to be met with enthusiasm, centered around your participation in the saving of the thriving ecosystem that exists next to our West End Building and Athletic Field that had not been in use for any other purpose than a green "buffer strip" before 1995. The community garden is more ecologically sound as a garden than a lawn - and certainly much more than an asphalt parking lot. We would like you to consider another plan that would preserve the important work of the community within and outside the college. So we ask you to meet with a delegation of students, faculty, staff and community members to discuss putting a stop to the current demolition plans.