A Message From Canadian Youth
From December 3rd - 14th, world leaders will be meeting in Bali for the UN climate change conference where the decisions made will have a lasting impact on future generations. A delegation of 30 Canadian youth are going to Bali to demand that Canada work with the international community to ensure a sustainable future. It is important that leaders know the number of youth concerned about the negotiation outcomes. Sign this petition to make sure your voice is heard. Although the current government has given up hope that Canada can meet its Kyoto Protocol commitments, the youth of Canada have not. There is still time left to prevent serious and irreversible climate change. The Bali UN climate change conference provides the opportunity for Canada to take a leadership role while the world negotiates the future of the Kyoto Protocol. It is our health, safety, and future that world leaders are deciding in Bali. It is for these reasons that youth, the inheritors of the planet, are speaking out. We, the undersigned Canadian youth, ask from our government the following: 1