Canon Powershot S100 - Shutter not working - request to recall
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Petition to Canon U.S.A., Inc;
To whom it may concern,
This petition is to request that Canon consider issuing a "recalled to repair" for all PowerShot S100 digital cameras that are reporting a problem with shutter release button. This recall would cover all Powershot S100 owners, regardless of warranty status.
Several online forums, as well as Canon's own forum, indicates a chronic shutter button failure among its registered users. The issue is growing as more Canon owners research the topic and discover they are part of a community of people who paid a premium price for a defective product. The shutter release issue may include faulty traits such as; shutter lag, shutter not working, shutter not firing, focus lock achieved but shutter release not working.
Canon offers two options for those out of warranty or without a receipt. The first option is flat rate repair of around $185 for the specific camera. Second, is Canon's Loyalty Program. This program offers $170 for a refurbished Canon S100 and you must return the faulty camera, shipping not included.
Surely Canon can come up with a fair solution to a well documented defective product. Consumers should not have to pay for this problem!
I. http://forums.usa.canon.com/t5/PowerShot/shutter-release-not-working-S100/m-p/12213/highlight/true#M475
III. http://gizmodo.com/5922987/canon-recalling-s100-camera-due-to-faulty-lens
IV. http://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=1359080
V. http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1231663