Prevent the closure of Carlyon Print!
Carlyon Print is a busy commercial supported business specializing in the provision of employment and training for people with disabilities; it is based in Wembley. Over the past 25 years approximately 30 people have passed through the unit to either other jobs or moved away. Some others have been with us until retirement. Brent Council however has seen fit to close the business, stating it is making a loss, however Carlyon have no additional working finance to help the business grow to it's potential, in effect Brent Council would leave many disabled people although skilled without employment and without support or training they need to gain additional employment. Some may have the slim chance of redeployment within the council on a trial basis with no guarantee of a job afterwards. Carlyon have the support the local community, MP's and the Press but it is falling on deaf ears. Please help their voices to be heard...