Oppose Exploration & Mining of Uranium in Eastern Ontario Canada
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Oppose Exploration & Mining of Uranium in Eastern Ontario Canada

1759 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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THE COMMUNITY COALITION AGAINST MINING URANIUM SHOW THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT IN CANADA THAT YOU ARE OPPOSED TO URANIUM EXPLORATION AND MINING 30,000 acres have been currently staked for uranium mining exploration in the Frontenac and Lanark Counties in Eastern Ontario, Canada. A coalition of First Nations and non-native residents have joined forces to oppose the exploration and potential mining of uranium at the headwaters of the Mississippi watershed. If this mine is developed it will effect the drinking water of hundreds of thousand of people in the Ottawa Valley region. The Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium is calling for a moratorium on uranium mining in Eastern Ontario. More information about the effects of uranium exploration and mining: * When uranium undergoes radioactive decay, highly radioactive elements are produced. * When exploratory drilling or mining occurs, elements such as radium and polonium are released to the environment. Both are readily carried in water, and cannot be removed by conventional water treatment facilities if those elements are present. * Radium has been described by medical authorities as a superb carcinogen. * It concentrates in the human body by substituting for the calcium in our bones. * Polonium is a very dangerous radioactive element. * It concentrates in the internal organs of our body and can result in a most unpleasant death. * Mining uranium releases large amounts of radon gas. Radon gas is radioactive and will follow the path of prevailing winds depositing solid radioactive fallout, mainly radioactive lead and polonium on a wide swath of land. * Radioactive deposits entering the food chain will pose a gradually accumulating health risk to the population, especially children. * There is inadequate monitoring for public health and safety. * The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission regulates nuclear energy and uranium mining. * CNSC has no health department and employs no biomedical specialists or medical doctors. * The situation is no better today than in 1980 when the British Columbia Medical Association declared that the Atomic Energy Control Board, the predecessor of CNSC was unfit to regulate due to lack of medical expertise. PLEASE EXCUSE THE GOOGLE ADS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THIS PAGE. WE CAN NOT CONTROL THESE ADS AS THIS IS A FREE WEBSITE AND IT IS SPONSORED BY DIFFERENT BUSINESSES INCLUDING URANIUM MINING COMPANIES. THEIR ADS WILL APPEAR FROM TIME TO TIME. MIGHT AS WELL LET THEM PAY FOR OUR PETITION! NOTE: Your email address will not appear on the petition website and the donations this site asks for are for ipetition not CCAMU. You do not need to donate to sign the petition. WE THE UNDERSIGNED OPPOSE THE EXPLORATION AND MINING OF URANIUM IN EASTERN ONTARIO CANADA


THE COMMUNITY COALITION AGAINST MINING URANIUM is a group of concerned citizens from the greater Ottawa Valley and Kingston area, who have come together to prevent a uranium mine in Frontenac and Lanark region.


The Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium http://www.ccamu.ca Mining Watch Canada http://www.miningwatch.ca/ Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility http://www.ccnr.org/ The Frontenac News Accurate articles written about the protest. They have an archive page of past uranium articles. http://www.newsweb.ca/ Shabot Obaadjiwan http://www.shabotisstillhere.com http://www.sharbotlakealgonquinfirstnation.com/ The Ardoch Algonquin First Nation http://www.aafna.ca/ WISE Uranium Project http://www.wise-uranium.org/index.html Bullfrog Power Ontario\'s alternative energy provider. http://www.bullfrogpower.com/ Renewable is Doable A Smarter Energy Plan for Ontario http://www.voteforcleanenergy.ca/ The Nuclear Information and Resource Service http://www.nirs.org/ No Uranium Blogspot The West Quebec uranium mining protest. http://no-uranium.blogspot.com/ NO URANIUM OTTAWA http://ato.smartcapital.ca/no-uraniuminvitation_key=719-115B506CD8B The Frontenac Uranium Standoff (FUS) Group http://groups.google.com/group/the_fus
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