Prime - please move "The Crowd Goes Wild" back to 7pm

PRIME TV. What are you thinking? We love The Crowd Goes Wild.
We eat dinner to it; we wind down after the news to it, we chuckle at the in-jokes and we even laugh at the regurgitated ones from the day’s Twitter banter.
But not any more. Because now you’ve wrenched it out of prime time viewing and shifted it to a variable slot after 10. In its place you are showing re-runs of a lame American comedy show.
And how can you expect Mark Richardson to stay up that late night after night?
In other news, Home Improvement is rubbish.
So, following the enormous success of getting the FA Cup final to New Zealand screens earlier this year, we encourage you to sign this petition to get The Crowd Goes Wild back to its rightful slot of 7pm weeknights.