Help us protecting a 10-years old girl from FGM!

***STOPP***STOPP***STOPP***STOPP***STOPP*** Please stop signing - the petition is closed! Together with the signatures from Germany, http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Schutz_vor_Genitalverstuemmelung/signatures-16.html more than 1.300 signatures could have been transmitted to the concerned authority and the ministry for social affairs Thank you very much for your support! *************************** 1.000 signatures for a last chance to protection! Dear subscribers, with your signature you help us to put pressure on the German authorities to bring a case that deals with the risk of Female Genital Mutilation on a minor girl to the Highest Supreme Court: With a decision from May 25th 2009, the higher regional court in Freiburg makes the genital mutilation of a 10-years-old girl with Ethiopian roots, born in Germany, in Ethiopia possible! The girl was intended to be sent to Ehtiopia by her parents for an uncertain time. Because of the high-risk to be submitted to the violence of female genital mutilation - a practice that remains wide-spread in that country, the family court in Bad Säckingen prohibited the girl to be taken to Ehtiopia. The parents appealed against the decision. The case came to the higher regional court in Freiburg. Based on an evaluation of the German Embassy in Addis Abeba, the court concluded that there is not enough evidence of danger that a further prohibition of a girl's travel to Ethiopia could be justyfied! The youth welfare office does NOT intend to bring the case to the highest suppreme court - which would be the last chance to protect the girl from being brought to the high-risk-country! Please sign and help us demanding them to do so! Thank you. TaskForce for effective prevention of FGM For further information, contact info@taskforcefgm.de Tel.: +49 - 40 - 80 79 69 44