\"No to Execution - Yes to Life\"

Today, the people of the world are standing up against inhumane act of \"capital punishment\". Supporting this movement and echoing its message in Iran, where the ruling regime in the name of â \"state execution\" commits horrendous intentional state crimes, would add to the movement to ban this inhumane punishment. On the other hand it would strengthen the support for \"October 10th\", the international day against capital punishment. Although we belong to different organizations and political believes however we all are against capital punishment. By signing this petition we are joining our voice together and crying out: No to Execution, Yes to Life! To join the movement against capital punishment, you can go to our web site, www.channnelonetv.com, and by filing out our petition you can add your name to the movement \"No to Execution, Yes to Life\". To join it is necessary and sufficient to care for humanity. Your political beliefs and organizational affiliations are your personal matter.