Condemn the insult to Islam and The Messenger Of GOD

Unfortunately, some again made their own hands dirty by insulting Islam and the messanger of kindness the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and wounded all followers of justice and truth heart. All of us believe on respecting others attitudes and religious tenets. We never let ourselves to mock someone for his/her beliefs. When the messenger of Allah was struggling against idolatry, He prevented followers of profaning polytheist and idol worshipers sacred things. Is not it a violation against humankind beliefs Is not it called a declaration of war against humankind Those Countries which are pretentious about freedom and humankind rights, this time exceeded their limit and expanded the insult by the use of what is called enlightenment and freedom. Shamefully these countries in a autocratic manner, do not let anybody even to talk opposed to the Holocaust and talking about the Holocaust is called as a crime against humanity, however the outrageous film and the insulting caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are published under the pretext of freedom of thought. Do you condemn the desecration and sacrilege to religious tenets Do you notify it as a crime Do you believe that all religious tenets and beliefs should be respected Do you believe on a discussion on theology meant no disrespect to anybody So please sign this petition and send it to others to judge PLEASE SEND THESE LINKS TO OTHERS: http://www.protestnow.co.cc/ http://www.protestfa.co.cc/