Theonomy Parachurch Groups: Condemn the Federal Vision
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This is a call for theonomy parachurch groups to publicly condemn the Federal Vision.
The Federal Vision is a very dangerous heresy that has been raging in Reformed circles, including theonomic circles, for years. While theonomy is not to blame for the Federal Vision, the Federal Vision sprang up partly within theonomic circles, and therefore it is especially the duty of high-profile theonomists to publicly condemn it.
Moreover, failure to condemn the Federal Vision gives ammunition to theonomy critics to link theonomy with the Federal Vision, which hurts these parachurch organizations' overall excellent biblical worldview ministries.
Some Federal Vision proponents include Doug Wilson, James Jordan, Steve Schlissel, Steve Wilkins, Peter Leithart, Andrew Sandlin, and Norman Shepherd.
The Federal Vision denies justification by faith alone. It teaches regeneration by water baptism, redefines faith to mean works, that salvation can be lost, and that there is a "future justification" to be earned by works.
The Apostle Paul teaches that those who rely on works for salvation cannot be saved (Galatians 5:1-4). And he curses those who teach false gospels (Galatians 1:6-9). All so-called gospels that deny justification by faith alone are false gospels (Galatians 3:1-6).
And yet, major theonomy parachurch organizations such as Chalcedon, American Vision, and Vision Forum have not publicly condemned the Federal Vision, despite the fact that the Federal Vision is a serious problem within theonomy circles.
Sometimes some theonomy parachurch organizations will even promote Federal Vision members in such ways as publishing and promoting their works. This is especially a problem with American Vision, which regularly promotes Federal Vision heretics--including Doug Wilson, James Jordan, and Steve Schlissel.
While the particular material by these men being promoted through American Vision may not be actual Federal Vision theology, giving them a platform (at least without a disclaimer) is an implicit endorsement of these men as Christians instead of as dangerous wolves. This can lead to American Vision followers reading and being deceived by the Federal Vision advocates' other, dangerous material.
In addition, Vision Forum has a post with Doug Phillips hanging out with Doug Wilson--and thereby promoting him in the process--and Chalcedon has in its archives a post promoting Norman Shepherd's dangerous book The Call of Grace.
Sometimes some theonomy parachurch organizations will even promote Federal Vision members in such ways as publishing and promoting their works. This is especially a problem with American Vision, which regularly promotes Federal Vision heretics--including Doug Wilson, James Jordan, and Steve Schlissel.
While the particular material by these men being promoted through American Vision may not be actual Federal Vision theology, giving them a platform (at least without a disclaimer) is an implicit endorsement of these men as Christians instead of as dangerous wolves. This can lead to American Vision followers reading and being deceived by the Federal Vision advocates' other, dangerous material.
In addition, Vision Forum has a post with Doug Phillips hanging out with Doug Wilson--and thereby promoting him in the process--and Chalcedon has in its archives a post promoting Norman Shepherd's dangerous book The Call of Grace.
This gives the impression to some that the aforementioned organizations are straddling the fence in order to maintain their subscriber base. As for us, we don't know their motives; but there is absolutely no excuse to appease Federal Vision advocates with the abundance of information available exposing and refuting this heresy.
Parachurch organizations can have an enormous influence on Christians, and as such, we call on all theonomy parachurch organizations that have not opposed the Federal Vision to repent of not taking a stand for the Gospel. We ask that they follow the example of the theonomic denomination the RPCUS, and other Reformed denominations, and publicly condemn the Federal Vision.
The Gospel is at stake, for hesitancy in defending the Gospel allows false gospels to spread. As the Apostle Paul said about those perverting the Gospel of his day, "to them we did not yield in submission even for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you" (Galatians 2:5, ESV).
A stand must be taken, so that false teachings ("irreverent babble") will not continue to "spread like gangrene," which leads "people into more and more ungodliness" (see 2 Timothy 2:14-19).
And giving the dangerous Federal Vision proponents a platform to speak (at least without a warning and disclaimer) leads others astray, for Romans 16:17, 18 says,
"I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive."
NOTE: We encourage all signers to leave comments as well, and to share this with friends.
For more about the Federal Vision heresy, visit:
1) Theonomists against the Federal Vision
2) Johannes Weslianus
1) Theonomists against the Federal Vision
2) Johannes Weslianus
3) Theonomy Resources
4) Refuting the Federal Vision Heresy: Conference Messages by Rev. John Otis
5) Auburn Avenue Theology Refutation Series by Rev. Brian Schwertley
5) Auburn Avenue Theology Refutation Series by Rev. Brian Schwertley