Confederate Monument Denton Texas

Confederate Monument Denton, Texas: End Racism & Violent Military History In One Click
by Aron Duhon
To all Detonates
A terrorist is defined as a person who uses violence against civilians to gain political ends. Keeping people enslaved is obviously one of the most vile forms of violence. On the Denton, Texas Square is therefore a monument to terrorists. The statue of the confederate solider on the square in Denton, Texas is nothing more than a standing ovation to the use of violence against innocents, and other oppressed minorities for economic and sociopolitical gain.
What obvious hypocrisy to show a heroic and benevolent looking solider, who\'s sole purpose was to kill others who wished to bring freedom to the oppressed
Is this what you stand for Is this what you would have your tax dollars support Take a good look!
The monument to blood also boasts two separate drinking fountains. Why I have been told by reliable sources in the community who still remember the days of Jim Crow that the fountains were for white and blacks to drink form separately. Thus, this is not only a monument to blood, slavery, and torture, but also to the federal and state laws which upheld segregation after the bleated attempt to end race discrimination during the reconstruction period.
|UA| United Aid right here in Denton is diligently fighting on all fronts to make strategic moves against this offense to morality and justice! If you are interested in joining the movement contact Jason, jason_waite3@yahoo.com, who has worked ceaselessly to organize in our community.
There are five easy actions you can take against the existence of the fountain:
1) Call the chamber of commerce and tell them that \"Racism is bad for business\" | 940-382-9693 | 940-565-1919 | 940-382-9100
2) E-mail these persons that you will not be spending your money in downtown Denton until the issue of the racist statue is destroyed:
Downtown Business Community:
info@dentonmainstreet.org, info@caparoon.com, randyaxtell1@yahoo.com, randy@artalleytexas.com, info@bethmaries.com, tommy@winesafari.org, virgil@winesafari.org, calvert.auto@verizon.net, dvinewineoftexas@sbcglobal.net, jaluisy@dvinewineusa.com, rmeriwether@dvinewineusa.com, nfo@davispuritybakery.com, sales@derecor.com, majltd@aol.com, support@eonconsulting.net, kphillips1@farmersagent.com, frenchy@frenchyslawns.com, innkeeper@theheritageinns.com, info@homeartisanauthority.com, nternet@jimmcnatttoyota.com, sennett.kirk@kirksecurities.com, kathy.vermillion@kirksecurities.com, info@k-a-studio.com, musictheatre.ofdenton@verizon.net, info@omicronwave.com, recycled@recycledbooks.com, info@sbpcommercial.com, den@tnp-online.com, info@wikcandle.com, YogaDenton@aol.com, info@dentondepot.com,
Other Business:
http://www.dentonfirst.com/cdps/cditem.cfmnid=1054 (chamdirectory)
secretary@ntkarters.com, skytheater@unt.edu, josh@rubberglovesdentontx.com, misplacedsemicolon@hotmail.com, booking@rubberglovesdentontx.com, nfo@rubberglovesdentontx.com, information@ravemotionpictures.com, petertkacs@cs.com, deere41h@gmail.com, lhotka@verizon.net, chris.morgan@centurytel.net, echarba@verizon.net, glhotka@verizon.net, kcme@aol.com, jeffbob@verizon.com, airadio@apostleradio.org, info_cupboard@yahoo.com, wine2@winetimeswine.com, joshua.butler@chartercom.com, dtv@cityofdenton.com, cw33news@tribune.com, kdfw@kdfwfox4.com, denton@burditt.com, nona.muncie@cityofdenton.com, treeclimber@sbcglobal.net, tarekf@gmail.com, braunsteinmike@aol.com, nyf0002@unt.edu, Pmm0031@unt.edu, vickie1284@sbcglobal.net, latinqueen1184@yahoo.com, prinet17@hotmail.com, ega0016@unt.edu, unt_eagles_lulac@yahoogroups.com, Lico@Eaze.net,
3) Sign the petition that Jason C Waite is circulating.
4) Repost this information everywhere.
5) Sign this petition.
Furthermore, |UA| has joined forces with Denton Peace action. Contact him for further details: www.myspace.com/unitedaid
(Aron Duhon is an editorial write for |UA| United Aid in Denton and currently is a graduate student in the Library Sciences Department. Aron Duhon can be reached at www.myspace.com/aronduhon and or his email Beatnikk24@otmail.com for further comment)