Conservatives Against Deficit Spending

It is reported that Prime Minister Harper's Conservative Government will table a budget on January 27th 2009 that includes $40 billion dollars worth of deficit spending. During the last federal election the Prime Minister explicitly promised voters that his party would not engage in such deficit spending. A few short months later the Prime Minister seems to believe that, unlike 'the Coalition', his party has received a mandate from voters to put this country in to a debt that will take subsequent generations of Canadians to repay. As conservatives and responsible stakeholders in the Conservative Party, we must make it clear that we will no longer support a party that tables a budget that clearly goes against what we were promised when we supported our party in the last federal election. Therefore, we the undersigned, pledge to no longer give any money to support the Conservative Party of Canada nor to help the party in the next federal election should the Conservative Government deliver a budget on January 27th that prescribes massive deficit spending. Source: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20090109/flaherty_recession_090109/20090109hub=QPeriod