Lets convert 2 Millett Road into Route 66 Custom Car & Bike Club Roadhouse Cafe

Route 66 Custom Car and Bike Club purchased a block of land at 2 Millett Road, Gisborne South on the Calder Freeway. The plan is to convert the ex-service station into a Route 66 Custom Car & Bike Club Roadhouse/Cafe. This will be a place for members and their families to come, hang out, have a burger, show off their cars, and meet with other like minded members. At the moment VicRoads is objecting the proposed development because they believe it is a safety hazard, and no other commercial businesses are located on the Freeway. But we argue otherwise, if appropriate safety measures are put into place, then the development will not be a safety issue. You can read more about the issue at the following website:
If you support the development of Route 66 Custom Car and Bike Club Roadhouse Cafe please sign our petition.