Create LARGE Capacity Battery For iNew V3

To whom it may concern:
Since iNew company does not have a specific working customer care service, we have to shout our voice this way and hope that it will be heared by them.
We are loyal iNew customers and have
bought Your V3 model as soon as You started selling it. You are probably
well aware of the very low battery capacity and we would like to see a more
capacitive battery soon. Your move with M1 model was a big step forward
(jump from 1,750mAh to 2,500mAh), so we all hope You can do that with
Your V3 model too. You certainly see V3 model as a great seller, and You
can be sure that would be even better if You listen to what we're
saying and make a more capacitive battery. The low battery capacity is
the biggest deal-breaker for many users too, so by doing this move, You
would show all current and future V3 customers that You care about our
needs, and then even more people would buy it. Hope You will acknowledge
our issues with V3 model and make a more capacitive battery.
Thank You
To people who are going to join this petition:
IMPORTANT UPDATE!: iNew's "Working" customer care service email addresses:
now please send that battery petition link to them directly. you can
even tell them about other problems that you have with inew v3. but
please do it.
although their website doen't reply anyone but it's neccessory to send this text + this petition's webpage address to them:
please also send this text + this petition's webpage to these addresses:
thank you