Create Valerie Godoy Women's Shelter for the Homeless
signers. Add your name now!

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In Austin, Texas, Valerie Godoy was experiencing homelessness when she was brutally assaulted and beaten to death on June 15, 2012. There are far too many other women stuck on the streets of Austin with no sanctuary.
Please sign the petition below to create a women's shelter.
Learn more:
Vulnerability of Homeless Women
Valerie Godoy Candlelight Vigil [video]
Valerie Godoy Memorial [video]
You may also sign a hard copy of the petition at House the Homeless headquarters. We have 300+ paper signatures so far. UPDATE (6/27/12): We have 729 paper signatures! That's 940 total. Thank you, keep 'em coming! We're almost at 1,000 signatures!
Help us reach 1,000 signatures total by sharing this with your friends. Thank you!
House the Homeless
This petition is sponsored by Austin-based House the Homeless, which is working to advocate for those experiencing homelessness. We support the establishment a universal living wage to help alleviate homelessness. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, or read updates on our blog.