Croton Aqueduct Trail Pedestrian Bridge in Van Cortlandt Park

Aqueduct Trail: how the Old Croton Aqueduct Trail in the North Bronx is a disconnect As you may know, the historic Old Croton Aqueduct trails from Croton Lake in Westchester County through the Bronx exiting at the historic and soon to be opened High Bridge — the oldest bridge in the City. But for one little disconnect, you would never know where you are going. In the North Bronx, the Trail ends on the west side of the Major Deegan. (see LINKS on side for photos and maps) The next time you can find it is at Kingsbridge Road at the Aqueduct Trail leading to the Highbridge. The disconnect is the eastern part of Van Cortlandt Park, to Dickenson Avenue to the Jerome Park Reservoir along Goulden Avenue to Kingsbridge Road. The forgotten community is ours. Is this right? The DEP made a promise in 1999 to check if it was feasible to build this pedestrian footbridge. They did a study that stated that it was feasible. In 2011, they stated that they did not have any money for this project as it was not in the 2004 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the State Assembly and the NYC Mayor (see details on the LINKS section). This incorporated the 1999 agreement, so this is just an excuse. Tell the NYC Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Carter Strickland we want the Pedestrian Bridge. Sign this petition. Thank you