Save the CSB/SJU ski teams

On Thursday March 3rd the Saint Benedict and Saint John's Nordic ski teams were notified that both teams would be cut and they would no longer represent CSB and SJU in NCAA competition.
This devastated the athletes, coaches, and ski community but reaches even further to outraged alumni and students who care about their school's programs. The many activities and varsity sports are part of what makes St. Ben's/St. John's a unique and vibrant community. For the athletes and coaches, Nordic skiing is their identity and passion. Current and prospective students chose CSB/SJU because of the ski program, which few colleges have to offer. The trails at Saint John's are ideal for a collegiate ski team, and enabled SJU to host several collegiate races.
The cut was due to a budget deficit, and the administration believes this is the only solution. The ski program continuously makes sacrifices, and does not enjoy the luxuries of international travel like numerous varsity sports have done each year. But, rather than making sacrifices across the board, they targeted the sport that would have the "least amount of impact," the one that brings the least revenue for them. But I can assure you, this cut has had a bigger impact than they realize.
For two consecutive years, Johnnie skiers have been the face of the Birkie. They were pictured on the Birkie poster and just a week ago 5 skiers finished in the top 25; an amazing feat. The St. Ben's skiers continue to boast the highest GPA of all athletic teams, for 3 consecutive years. Several skiers have their eyes set on Nationals for 2012, but that opportunity has been shattered.
Instead, the team will be replaced with a Club team, and will no longer race competitively or represent our great athletic program in the collegiate community.
We are extremely disappointed and outraged by our administration, and feel that there are alternatives to be considered.
Regardless of your affiliation with the team, or lack thereof, please consider our plea. Imagine your response if something you love, and are passionate about, was taken away from you. Bring back the CSB and SJU Nordic ski teams as an NCAA sport.
I urge you to contact the following and voice your opinion and concern!! When you get the automated response---CALL THEM and reply.
Let them know how much the community supports student athletes:
Saint John's University:
Fr. Robert Koopman, OSB
(320) 363 2882
Fr. Doug Mullin, OSB
VP of Student Development
(320) 363-2737
Tom Stock
Athletic Director
(320) 363-2629
College of Sain Benedict:
MaryAnn Baenninger
(320) 363-5505
Mary Geller
VP of Student Development
(320) 363-5601
Carol Howe-Veenstra
Athletic Director
(320) 363-5201