Tell Gov. Daniels It\'s Time For Accountability At The BMV

The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles has failed to provide adequate service to its customers, Indiana taxpayers, for more than a week. Gov. Mitch Daniels continues to defend the agency\'s poor record on his watch, and he has not taken action to remedy the situation by replacing beleaguered BMV Commissioner Joel Silverman. Earlier this week, a BMV employee sent an e-mail to the Governor\'s Office alerting them to problems within the agency and with the new computer system that has caused many of the recent problems. She was fired for reporting the issues. Tell Gov. Daniels that you believe government should be accountable from the top down and that employees who bring up problems within government should be rewarded, not terminated. Tell the Governor it\'s time to replace Joel Silverman with someone competent who knows how to serve the public.