Reject the Tax on D.C. Pet Owners

D.C. Council: Reject the Tax on Pet Owners The D.C. Council's proposed five-cent tax on paper and plastic bags is a new tax on environmentally responsible pet owners who clean up after their pets. Pet owners who do the right thing - picking up their dog's poop - are frequently seen carrying a handful of plastic grocery bags to collect and dispose of it. This proposal will force us to purchase more costly plastic bags, rather than do what environmentalists have taught us to do: reduce and reuse! As a resident of the District, I believe we should make every effort to reduce litter in our city and in our rivers. The Council should remember that plastic bags are not used just to carry purchases, but also to dispose of trash, including pet waste. Reject the bag tax and focus instead on reducing, reusing and recycling. P.S. to Petition Signers: Please include your street address and/or Ward number in the "Comments" box so that the D.C. Councilmembers know they are hearing from their constituents.