Dear Citv, Please Revive Bernard's Watch

Dear CItv,
I have been fascinated about the art of being able to freeze time for many years now & I still enjoy watching programmes aimed at a much younger audience & my favourite show I grew up with was Bernard's Watch on Citv about the little boy whose magic pocket watch could make time stand still.
I still love watching old episodes on youtube as it's a shame there have been no new episodes commissioned since 2005.
Now, obviously the actors who played Bernard Beasley are far too old to play the part again but all I want is for Citv to revive this show with all-new more exciting storylines, someone who will fit into the main lead well & more new talent who will make the revival a success & every bit just as good as the original, if not, even better.
Dear Citv, I often DREAM about reading up about a revival of this show which I loved as a teenager & STILL love today, please recognise this petition & do your absolute utmost to revive the show with a lot more excitement than ever before because I really wish I could stop time & it's not just me who would love you to bring back such a well-loved much missed tv show.
Please get Bernard's Watch on the road again & prove to the youngsters of today & tomorrow & adults with disabilities & the mentality of a youngster that kids tv will be GREAT again!
Yours Very Sincerely
Sean Andrew
Petition holder