Declare Dhanauri Wetlands as Sarus Crane Sanctuary
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Chief Minister,
Uttar Pradesh
Wild Life Advisory Board of Uttar Pradesh
The Secretary,
Government of India
New Delhi
The Chief Secretary,
Government of Uttar Pradesh,
Yamuna Expressway Development Authority,
Greater Noida
Principal Secretary,
Department of Forest,
Government of Uttar Pradesh
Principal Secretary,
Department of Irrigation
Government of Uttar Pradesh
Chief Wild Life Warden,
Government of Uttar Pradesh,
District manager
Gautam Buddha Nagar,
Divisional Forest Officer,
Gautam Buddha Nagar,
Dear Sir,
Sub : Declare Dhanauri Wetland, Dankaur, Greater
Noida, Uttar Pradesh as Sarus Crane Sanctuary
Uttar Pradesh is an extremely rich State in terms of Wild Life. It is known for hosting 794 out of a total of 1224 Bird Species found in India. Due to very diverse habitats that exist in Uttar Pradesh, the population of all Bird Species, both Resident and Migratory, is very large – running in to millions of Birds.
Sarus Crane is the State Bird of Uttar Pradesh. Highest Density of Sarus Cranes in India is found in Uttar Pradesh. There had been gradual degradation of habitats all over India and this has posed serious problems for the existence of Bird Species and Bird Population. Sarus Crane is no exception. It is now on “Vulnerable” List of IUCN/Bird Life International. The population of Sarus Crane has declined and likely to decline further if proper steps are not taken for conservation of sites/wetlands that are home to Sarus Cranes. The numbers are just about 8000 in India.
One such area – a Wetland – that exists and is home to over 100 Sarus Cranes is the subject Wetland that is surrounded by Dhanauri Khurd, Thasrana and Amipur Villages in Dankaur, Greater Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh.
We request this Wetland be declared as Sarus Crane Sanctuary. Also, an area of 5 KM in radius around this Wetland be declared as its Eco-Sensitive Zone.
Area of Wetland for Sarus Crane Sanctuary
The Wetland is an area of about 110 Hectares.
That this area is a rich Wetland can be seen in Satellite Images both on Bhuvan (Website of ISRO-NRSC). The area is generally bound by GPS Co-ordinates:
77° 36’ 45.52” N and 28° 20’ 25.90” E
77° 37’ 15.96” N and 28° 20’ 5.97” E
77° 36’ 59.19” N and 28° 19’ 52.37” E
77° 36’ 43.13” N and 28° 21’ 25.43” E
77° 36’ 45.52” N and 28° 20’ 25.90” E
In addition to the above area directly under water and marsh, there is another area of about 50 Hectares this also part of the Wetland due to its nature. Please see the Web Links: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ajdlrb8rd361qqf/ANNEXURE-I---ISRO-IMAGE-OF-WETLAND-FOR-SARUS-SANCTUARY.jpg?dl=0 and
Justification for Declaring the Area as a Sanctuary
The following are the grounds on which the declaration of a Sanctuary is justified:
1. Being an area of Water, Marsh, Natural and Permanent, the area is a Wetland as defined in the Wetlands Conservation and Management Rules 2010 as framed under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 as also as per the definition given by International Union for Conservation of Nature duly adopted by Government of Uttar Pradesh (U.P. G.O. No. 757 of April 14, 2009). Therefore, it is to be protected and conserved as a Wetland as it is as mandated by the Rules under the Environment (Protection) Act.
2. This Wetland is home to a variety of Wild Life and has adequate ecological, faunal, floral, geomorphological, natural and zoological significance for it to be declared as a Wild Life Sanctuary as explained in the following paragraphs.
3. The area is home to over 100 Sarus Cranes. This is where these Sarus Cranes – The State Bird of Uttar Pradesh – roost, feed, play and breed. It is a wonderful sight to see all of them gather every evening and morning and indulge in their soul-stirring dance ritual, clarion call and play. More than hundred Sarus Cranes have been counted in the area on 16th November 2014 and then again on 5th January 2015. The Census conducted by the Forest Department of Gautam Buddha Nagar recently recorded 93.
4. This number of population of Sarus Cranes amounts to over 1% of the Country Population and thus qualifies the area to be treated as an IBA – Important Birding Area - as per norms followed internationally. The new edition of Important Birding Areas for India is being compiled by BNHS – Bombay Natural History Society. With declining trend in the population of Sarus Cranes both in the State and Country, it is imperative that areas such as this Wetland be protected with legal status of a Sanctuary with a view to Conserve the
5. The area is home to about 200 Species of Birds. Since discovering the area on 31st May 2014, the members of Delhi Bird Group have compiled a list of 192 Species. This check-list is available on web link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e1p1jhoyvaodgdk/ANNEXURE-III%20-%20Check-list%20of%20Birds.xlsx?dl=0 Two files containing photographs of birds is placed at web links: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oayi00xtehkiqdc/Birds%20of%20Dhanauri%20Wetlands%28Reduced%29%20Part%201.pdf?dl=0 and https://www.dropbox.com/s/znbbmop09wofqz4/Birds%20of%20Dhanauri%20Wetlands%28Reduced%29%20Part%202.pdf?dl=0
6. A Bird count in early October 2014 revealed the presence of over 3000 Birds of different Species. The Local Villagers inform that the population of birds had been many times 3000 in the past 15 Years. This year the population is way too low due to scanty rains in Monsoon 2014 and non release of overflow Water from the surrounding irrigation channels that was the norm.
7. There is a lot of other Wild Life available in the area in Terms of Nil Gai (Blue Bulls), Jackals, Rabbits and Hare, Turtles, Fish, Snakes, Butterflies and many others.
We request you to please declare the area as a Sarus Sanctuary under Section 18 of Wildlife Protection Act 1972 and also a buffer zone of 5 KM radius as Eco-Sensitive or Buffer Zone.
K. Koshy, IPS (Retd)
Wing Commander Vijay Sethi (Retd)
Anand Arya
And others.