Thank you!
Every signature received is invaluable in helping to voice the concerns of many Canadians on this issue and your participation is much appreciated.
All signatures received up to May 12, 2013 12:00 pm have been forwarded to Immigration Watch Canada and will be brought to the attention of our government.
If you wish to follow up, please write to:
P.O. Box 45075
Dunbar RPO
4326 Dunbar Street
Vancouver, B.C.
V6S 2M8
Please continue to voice your opinion on this issue by writing to: stephen.harper@parl.gc.ca, jason.kenney@parl.gc.ca and your local MP.
To keep informed on this and other related issues, please frequent www.ImmigrationWatchCanada.org
Recent news reports state that RBC (The Royal Bank of Canada) has displaced about 40 of its Canadian IT workers by bringing in IT Temporary Foreign Workers from India. The Royal Bank, which made a record $7.5 Billion profit in 2012, is now back-peddling. It is claiming that iGATE, the labour contractor involved, not RBC, hired the TFWs and that only a small number of workers are involved. However, the CBC has discovered that RBC paid iGATE $100 million last year for iGate's services, a sign of a much deeper relationship between the two.
The RBC incident is probably the proverbial tip of the iceberg. According to the CBC, employees from the following banks (RBC, TD, Scotiabank, CIBC and the Bank of Montreal) all report that these banks replaced Canadian workers with TFWs. Other sectors of the economy are involved. A former Loblaw IT worker has stated that last fall, Loblaw, which is one of Canada's largest grocery chains with about 1000 stores and around 134,000 employees, also brought in replacements from India for its IT work-force.
Canada's Temporary Foreign worker program now allows over 300,000 Temporary Foreign Workers to work here every year. This is in addition to the 250,000 immigrants Canada has taken every year for the past 22+ years, the highest per capita intake in the world.
Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of Canadians have no jobs. Our official unemployment rate is over 7%, but the real one is probably much higher. Our youth, in particular, have an official unemployment rate of about 14%, but probably a real rate of well over 20%. The evidence shows that the TFW program is contributing to unemployment.
The most important point to see is that the Temporary Foreign Worker program is out of control and is being widely abused by employers who are looking for cheap labour from outside Canada.
What can you do?
(1) Please sign this petition and ask others to sign.
(2) If your bank is one of the culprits, either tell your bank to re-hire the displaced Canadians or tell it that you are moving your account elsewhere.
(3) Tell Canada's government to defend Canadian workers' jobs and our standard of living by reducing the TFW program from a flood to a trickle. Canadian workers need to be defended from employers like RBC and from predators like iGATE. Here are three appropriate gov't e-mail addresses : stephen.harper@parl.gc.ca, jason.kenney@parl.gc.ca, diane.finley@parl.gc.ca . Include your own MP. Send all of them the title and the first 4 paragraphs in this message.
*Please note: After clicking ''Sign now'', your signature will be added to the petition. Although the website may ask you for a donation, donations are not necessary. The request for donations comes from iPetitions, the organization that operates this petition web site. Immigration Watch Canada is not making this request.