Defending Shri Shivabalayogi Maharaj's Dehradun Ashram

Babaji is determined to resume his fast to protect his Guru's Ashram and will do so until death if necessary unless the situation is resolved.
Urgent and immediate action is essential. A summary of what has transpired and the brief history of this situation is available on our website so that all of you can understand the stand being taken: www.srby.org.
This is a time for the voice of every devotee to be heard. Sign the petition below to support Babaji - please add your comments which are important and will make a difference. Anyone who wants to join us, physically or otherwise, is most welcome to do so. Please help us spread the word to all devotees so their support can be added to the petition.
"When Shri Guru Maharaj sent me to Dehra Dun Ashram to look after and manage its activities Shri Swamiji asked to me to look after carefully just like I would His physical body. That is my Guru's command which I will carry on till the last breath of my life on this earth."