Demand Investigation into Penn State Women's Gymnastics & Athletics

The goal of this petition is to demand that Penn State University and the NCAA do a thorough outside investigation into the alleged abuse, mistreatment, and hostile environment created by the Head and Associate Women's Gymnastics coaches, Jeff and Rachelle Thompson. We feel that we should demand that our universities protect our student athletes and coaches from any type of behaviors that would be considered unacceptable coaching behaviors.
There have been numerous complaints made by former student athletes at both Auburn University, the Thompson's former employer, and Penn State University. There has been a complaint made by a former assistant coach who was eventually terminated from her position in January 2016. Penn State athletic administrators have failed to properly address this situation, and the alleged conduct has persisted for years and has not been stopped nor punished and Penn State knew or should have known about the problems.
There should also be an investigation to look into the possibility that Penn State University violated the Athletic Integrity Agreement that was put into place after Sandusky. This would require an investigation into the entire Athletic Department and their handling of reports of alleged abusive behavior from various coaches of different athletic teams at Penn State.
We want to help protect the current and future gymnasts at Penn State. It is our goal to ensure that Penn State is abiding by their own promises to each student athlete to abide and follow their mission statement, core values, and the Penn State Principles.
The mission of Penn State Athletics is to strive for excellence by offering all students model programs to develop meaningful standards of scholarship, athletic performance, leadership, community service, ethical conduct and sportsmanship with the institution's education and social environments.
The Core Values are: integrity, honor and respect.
Part of the Penn State Principles state that we expect our students, faculty, staff, administration, trustees, and alumni will not engage in any behaviors that compromise or demean the dignity of individuals or groups, including intimidating, stalking, harassment, discrimination, taunting, ridiculing, insulting, or engaging in acts of violence. They will demonstrate respect for others by striving to learn from differences between people, ideas, and opinions and by avoiding behaviors that inhibits the ability of other community members to feel safe or welcome as they pursue their academic goals.
Please help us make things right at Penn State for the future team members and to make sure that all student athletes are treated properly.