Demand a Public Inquiry Into Torture Concerns

Whereas, on November 18 former senior Canadian diplomat to Afghanistan Richard Colvin testified in front a House of Commons committee stating that most if not all Afghans handed over to Afghan authorities by Canadian forces in Afghanistan were subject to torture; and Whereas, Colvin wrote as many as 17 memos via the appropriate channels attempting to alert the appropriate authorities reaching as far up as one of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's senior security advisers to the likelihood of Canada's complicity in enabling the torture of Afghans via the appropriate channels of communications that have been heretofore ignored; and Whereas, despite a long and distinguished career of service to his country, the Harper government has responded to Colvin's testimony in a dismissive and cavalier fashion and has explicitly questioned Colvin's credibility instead of addressing his concerns; and Whereas, the government of Canada has not only failed to adequately address Colvin's testimony, but has also acted in a questionable and potentially obstructionist manner towards a Military Complaints Commission whose purpose was to address those concerns; and Whereas, the Canadian government has a history of failing to notify the Red Cross of any prisoner transfers in Afghanistan in a timely fashion; and Whereas, the use of torture techniques by Afghan authorities in places like Kandahar is understood to be standard operating procedure; and Whereas, the use of torture techniques on prisoners is morally abhorrent and anathema to the values of Canadian society and government; Therefore, we the undersigned citizens of Canada demand that the government of Canada submit to and coordinate a full public inquiry into the serious allegations and concerns that have recently come to light around Canada's involvement in delivering Afghan prisoners into conditions of torture by Afghan authorities.