Reinstate Ms. Mocrate

Dear Friends and Family, My daughter is a student at Girls Prep Lower East Side Middle School. I placed my daughter in Girls Prep Charter School because we were told we had a voice in the governance of the school. Lately, there have been some changes that are extremely alarming. First, the approval of letting go a fourth grade teacher without a clear plan, and then the impulsive termination of an amazing principal. This termination came with no explanation or consideration of the negative impact that this would have on the Gilrls Prep family. Ian Rowe, the CEO, states he will be the acting principal. Mr. Rowe has no credentials to be an administrator. This is my daughter's education he is playing with. DOES CHARTER SCHOOL MEAN NO PROTOCOL, DOES IT MEAN NO ACCOUNTABILITY? Our tax paying dollars fund the operation of charter schools. The termination of personnel mid-year is unacceptable. The loss of an amazing principal without so much as an explanation to the students, parents, or staff shows extreme lack of respect for us. I am worried about what the recent personnel changes will mean for her education and the future of the school. I'm asking that you support me in my fight for RESPECT. We are asking our family and friends to help us. Please help us by signing our petition. We need to make a statement!