Deny the Permits for the Golden Sands Dairy (CAFO)

We the residents of the towns of Rome and Saratoga and surrounding areas petition the Wisconsin DNR, other state agencies and the EPA to deny the permits for the Golden Sands Dairy proposed for Saratoga, Wisconsin. Scientific evidence provided to the DNR for it's EIS process shows that the quality and level of our surface water will be negatively impacted if this CAFO is built. In addition, qualified test results have been provided showing the existing CAFO in Armenia, partly owned by the same company, has tainted local residents wells with high nitrate levels, and has generated E Coli in the area of their pivot well manure spreading area. Monitoring wells at their site show nitrate levels nearly 8 times higher than state and federal limits. Nearly 2,000 residential homes in Rome and Saratoga and the Rome Municipal Water Utility are within the cone of depression of the proposed 33 high capacity wells and rely on area water for drinking and fire protection. Lakes Camelot, Sherwood, Arrowhead and Petenwell are fed by headwaters and the water table within the cone of depression. The risks of contamination and reduced water levels is unacceptable to the thousands of residents in proximity to the proposed CAFO.