David Boyd 0

Detroit Lions for Sale...

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David Boyd 0 Comments
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As a fan of both the NFL and Lions I say it is time to point the blame finger where it truly needs to be pointed, at the Ford family they purchased this team back in 1957 and in all those years, all the GM's, Coaches, and players they have exactly one playoff win and a 0-16 season combined with countless losing seasons to show for the 57 years of Ford ownership. Year after year or season after season we come into the season with false hopes thinking maybe this is the year, and year after year, season after season we are either filled with a small glimmer of hope or completely exhausted and feel nothing but despair blaming such and such player, such and such coach or ref and sadly at the end of the day a loss is a loss. and a losing season is a losing season and has become the norm for the fans or should I say Same Ole Lions. SO with this Petition I hope any one who is or has rooted for the Lions demand that the team be sold to an owner that can actually come in clean house and build this team into a team that strives for more than a lucky once in a blue moon season where they make it into the playoffs, Let's stop blaming everyone else but the owners who ultimately hired the team president, GM and front office who have done everything but turn this team into a winning team.

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