MBA application , Rejection Feedback Request

This petition is addressed at the admission committees of all business schools to have the minimum decency to provide a detailed personalized rejection letter to all the applicants rejected. MBA application process is very involved, tiring and expensive. On an average an applicant spends 1 to 1.5 yrs on the application process and preparing one application thoroughly takes anywhere between 2 to 3 months of hard work. An average applicant applies to 3 to 5 schools. Average application fee to a top 10 business school is $200 Naturally all the applicants will not secure an admission. A rejection letter, popularly known as a \'ding\', is very vaguely worded and it does not give the applicant any clue as to why the application was rejected. Some schools provide a very generic and superfluous feedback session. This session\'s primary purpose is to get the applicant to reapply. There has been plenty of cases where re-applicants get rejected the second time even after a valiant effort to cover all the points mentioned in the feedback session (and of course paying the application fee once again!). So in short, the current feedback session in whatever form it exists now is useless. (University of Texas is one exception; it sends a very detailed rejection analysis - Good job Austin!) An applicant who has spent a lot of money, sweat and time on MBA application deserves better when it comes to a rejection. Since an applicant trusts the judging ability of a school to decide whether his/her application is good enough, the Admission committee can be more considerate and let the person know their judgment as well as the reasoning. This constructive criticism will give a much needed closure, and will let the applicant sleep well. I\'d call this a minimum decency that should be extended to anyone who has taken the pains to spend 1.5 years to apply to a business school. The cliched excuse of too many applicants to provide feedback on is too lame - after all each of those pay you handsomely, and all it takes from your side is to request the decision maker to write a small note covering all aspects of the reasoning behind the decision. We all know that it is not so much additional work! I request your support for this cause; if you need more information or clarification please write to me at dinged@gmail.com. Similarly if you have a ding letter from a school, please send it to me so that I could showcase a few letters to show how lame the wording of those letters are.