Keep Clarksville Elementary School Open!

We, the undersigned and school district tax payers, believe the Bethlehem Central School District's Board of Education must continue its commitment to Clarksville Elementary School and the Clarksville community by preserving our home school, the only one outside the boundaries of the Town of Bethlehem, thereby protecting our property values and our children's education. Clarksville elementary school, built in 1948 and designed by Henry L. Blatner, is on the National Register of Historic Places. The school was recently modernized and expanded.
Although we fully recognize the fiscal problems that Bethlehem Central School District is facing, we believe that closing our children’s elementary school is short-sighted and avoidable. There are other options that should be pursued before our children's community-based school is closed (including reducing operational costs in a equitable manner and increasing efficiencies and revenue). Many of these options have been presented to the Superintendent and the Board.
Poor enrollment projections, the construction of a new elementary school and past redistricting decisions have left Clarksville Elementary vulnerable to possible closure. While many community members raised their concerns to the Superintendent and the Board about the creation of our small school by these past Board decisions, we, the Clarksville community, were assured that the school would remain open. The district's very unfortunate budget gap should not be narrowed by hurting one specific elementary school filled with wonderful children, a powerful school spirit and a strong sense of community and giving. (Thank you Dorothy McDonald and faculty for cultivating the Clarksville spirit and enriching our children's lives.)
We hope that the Board realizes that every community loves their school and this community has their home in Clarksville Elementary - "Where Children, Service and Learning Go Hand in Hand."
Clarksville School Song:
"Climb To Clarksville"
Clarksville’s our school. It’s a great place to be.
Warm and welcoming like your family.
It’s that feeling you get when you walk through the door.
You can plant your roots here ‘til you’re ready to soar.
Climb to Clarksville, we’re a great big family.
Climb to Clarksville, we’ll help you be the best you can be.
Climb to Clarksville, we’ll show the way.
Climb to Clarksville, we’re proud and say it loud every day.
A blogspot for Clarksville Elementary School: