Does Donald Trump Have Alzheimers?

As American citizens about to choose our next President, we need an answer to the following question: Is Donald Trump mentally fit to be the next President?
Could Trump's erratic, aggressive behavior, childish name-calling, late night tweeting sessions, and frequent gaffes be symptoms of the initial stages of Alzheimer's disease?
The Alzheimer’s
Association tells us that if two of the following core mental functions
seem impaired then it is time to seek medical help: Memory, communication and language, ability to focus and pay attention, reasoning and judgment, visual perception.
Alzheimer’s carries other symptoms besides memory loss including difficulty
remembering newly learned information, disorientation, mood and
behavior changes; deepening confusion about events, time and place;
unfounded suspicions about family, friends and professional caregivers;
more serious memory loss and behavior changes.
Last September, while speaking at a campaign rally in Buffalo, New York, Trump confused 9/11 with 7/11. He has attacked his political opponents with petty insults rather than engaging in meaningful debates and perpetuated unfounded conspiracy theories about the authenticity of President Obama's birth certificate and recently, claiming Obama secretly supports the terrorist group, Isis.
Donald Trump's father, Fred Trump, suffered from Alzheimer's disease for over six years. No one knows the exact cause of Alzheimer's disease, but scientists do know that genes are involved.
At 70 years old, Trump would be the oldest President ever to take office next to Ronald Reagan who was 69 when he was elected. Ronald Reagan's son wrote that his father, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 1994, was already showing symptoms of the disease by his second term.
In his assessment of Donald Trump's health, Trump's personal physician
claims that his "physical strength and stamina are extraordinary” but
was his mental health evaluated?
Before we can confidently vote for any presidential candidate over 70 years of age, they need to be screened for the early stages of Alzheimer's disease.
Donald Trump should undergo the MMSE (Mini-Mental State Exam) and publicly release the results. It is our responsibility to make certain that our next President is physically and mentally fit to take office.
Please sign this petition and forward to as many potential voters as possible.
This petition was brought to you by the Sick and Wrong Podcast.