Install Dr .B.R. Ambedkar portraits in Supreme Court, all Benches of High Courts, all Lower Courts and all Police Stations in India

Mr. Salman Khurshid
Minister of Law and Justice,
4th Floor, A-Wing, Shastri Bhawan,
New Delhi-110 001
Subject: Install Dr .B.R. Ambedkar portraits in Supreme Court, all Benches of High Courts, all Lower Courts and all Police Stations in India
Dear Sir
We the under signed request you to Install the portraits Dr.Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar in Supreme Court, all Benches of High Courts and all Lower Courts in India.
Dr Ambedkar, popularly also known as Babasaheb, was one of the founding fathers of independent India. He was also the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of Indian Constitution.
The role played by Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar has left its imprint on the social tapestry of the country after Independence, and shaped the political and civic contours of India today. It would have been a different India without him and, in all probability, a much more inequitable and unjust one.
He was the first Law Minister in Independent India. As a law minister, Ambedkar formulated several important bills including the Hindu Code Bill. He was a key player in the constitutional developments of India from the mid-1920s and on certain issues such as a uniform Civil Code he was to anticipate some of the major issues that have been the topics for debate in India.
Dr.Ambedkar was posthumously awarded the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award, in 1990, such an important persons he is, and rarely we find his pictures in the Court and Police Station, which are the guardian of Indian Constitution.
Therefore we request you to direct the respective administrations to install portraits of Dr B.R Ambedkar in Supreme Court, all benches of High Courts Lower Courts, and all Police Stations of India. It would be appropriate to recognize his role in drafting the Indian constitution by displaying his portrait in Police Station and in Indian courts.
We the following would urge the Government of India to pass a Government Order to make sure Dr Ambedkar portraits are installed in Indian Courts and Police Stations.