Deop TheDoctor AKA Mechajebus AKA Jebus

We are here to petition the removal of Jebus, or TheDoctor, also once known as MECHAJEBUS, from the chanop position of level 5 access (auto-op status). He abuses his power with reckless abandon, justifying it because it's the internet and 'nobody cares'. He insults and generally attacks anyone that crosses him, comes near him, or joins the channel at all. He is stubborn, self-centered and may have a superiority complex. All of these traits are fine, in my opinion, but they aren't the kind of traits you should give to someone with op powers. Being an op is a position of power and responsibility, and Doc has no responsibility, or mercy, or anything else admirable. Anyone who's going to sign this knows all this already. Look, we're not asking for him to be kickbanned from the channel for good, or even asked to stop being an asshole. We just want the power to excersise his power in an assholish way taken away.