EA Sports, start SERIOUSLY developing FIFA Pro Clubs

It's been too long since EA sports seriously developed FIFA Pro Clubs. Every year FIFA is moving forward and the only additions we see in FIFA Pro Clubs are new balls and shoes.
There is a large community out there and we are tired of buying the game year after year without seeing any real improvements.
Even the simplest of things have not been added to the mode. Some suggestions include:
- Spectator mode (for livestreaming matches, commentary, custom tourney/league coordinating & organising)
- Introduction of bench, to have some reservoir players to switch by captain mid game, or to replace those who got disconnected
- Ability to join match while in progress, rejoin games that you got kicked because of connection issues
- Record match gameplay (in-game demos with repleyability and free camera control to make easier live publishing movies over the internet to spread)
- Matchmaking redesign (it is totally broken it has to be rewritten from scratch).
- Competetive proclubs mode (with custom player characters with equal pool of skillpoints to spend, not just farming stats to gain advantage)
- Dedicated servers for users (might be unranked), just to be able to organise events.
- Ability to vote for short pauses (10seconds minimum, with overall pool of 30seconds) in case of emergency
- Create own league (for IFVPA FVPA)
- Adding a tool to create custom badges for the clubs
- Adding a tool to create custom kits
- Adding a tool to create stadiums
- Imposing some sort of currency, where wins, attendance etc will play a role in.
- Using this currency to buy various improvements for the club.
- Adding new training options and drills to improve the performance of the AI
- Having more options regarding tactics, formations, movements etc.
We understand that the amount of profit you gain from FIFA Ultimate Team is enormous and in fact most of us also play FUT. It seems like you only care about the FUT players, but losing us will mean the start of the demise of your fan base and a cut for a substantial amount of your profits (base game price & an estimated average spend of 20$ per person per year for FIFA points).
The changes and improvements we are asking for, are understandably difficult to bring in the following 1 month until the release date, but you can start working on a patch for October or November as early as right now.
We hope you hear us out.