EDL Angels are not sick

We the undersigned formally request an answer to your statement in the House of Commons where you stated the following:- “Deprecating the EDL and all they stand for and their attempt to somehow say they are going to restore order is, I’ve described some parts of our society as sick and there is none sicker than the EDL” The EDL Angels are wives, mothers, aunts, grandmothers etc., we would ask you to explain why you feel that we are sick. Is it sick to care for your country and the downward spiral that it is on? Is it sick to protest at the two tier system that runs in our Country? Is it sick to protest over Child Grooming of which the majority is carried out by Muslim gangs? Is it sick to protest over the murder of Charlene Downes? Is it sick to protest about religious courts in our Country and the futile attempts by some to bring ‘Sharia Controlled Zones’ into our Country? Please the EDL Angels would like to know why you think all of this is so sick, we realise that due to your Government the Police cannot function adequately and the Judges of our Courts do not give out adequate sentencing but our laws have been our laws since the Magna Carta and do we need religious courts, we think not. Extremists should be dealt with according to the law and not the two tier system as present i.e. Extremists are allowed to do what they want and others are victimised for their beliefs. EDL members did go onto the streets during the riots with other members of the community to protect their property, their community and NOT to stir up racial hatred or any further unrest.