Bring the world an ELECTRIC MINI Cooper!

Gas prices in the US are nearing $5/gallon. By the time I finish typing this paragraph, who knows where they will be. Tesla Motors has started producing an electric-powered sports car for $100K that gets over 200 miles to a charge of electricity that costs less than $0.02 per mile to drive and will go from 0 to 60 mph in under 4 seconds. Most of us don't need that horsepower nor can afford the price, but a lot of us are concerned over fuel prices and global warming. BMW makes a sexy, small, stylish and practical car -- the MINI Cooper. Why not rip out the engine, throw in an electric motor and a stack of laptop batteries You can buy this through third parties for about $50K, but realistically this can be done for the same price as a regular MINI and will also require significantly less maintenance over the years. This petition is imploring BMW to release an electric model of the MINI Cooper for under $35K. That is the challenge, and there's no technical reason it cannot be done. Bring it. Save us all. We would BUY it if it were available!