Electronic Arts \ Bioware: Russian localization of Star Wars The Old Republic

Dear Developers,
Thank you for such games like Mass Effect 1, 2 ; Dragon Age 1, 2. We really appreciate that Bioware is working on SWTOR. SWTOR one of few perspective projects on the market connected with space theme.
Space theme is very popular in US. But in Russia this theme is as popular as in US, if not more . Space is connected with our history and for a long time was national idea. I would like to name some facts: 1st satellite ( Sputnik-1 1957 ) , 1st man in Space ( Yuri Gagarin 1961 ) , 1st orbital station (MIR 1986 ).
Unfortunately it is often impossible to analyze popularity of a game in Russia. The amount of official sales doesn`t always match the number of players in offline(single player) games. You can guess why . Games connected with space theme have always been popular in Russia.
But it is possible to analyze with online projects. Eve online is great example of Russian activity and commitment. At least 1/4 of free space is held by Russian corporations and Russian community makes significant impact on the game.
So please add Russian subtitles in release (Subtitles + interface + descriptions would be perfect). Russian region + ex soviet countries can offer solid amount of active players. Russian text can be canceled for public chat, but save it for guild and private messages.
BTW SWTOR is on the top of the most desireble upcoming projects on mmo market with russian community.
We thank you for attention
Sincerely yours,
Zuy, Kursk , Russia
Darkrull , Moscow, Russia
N.O.R.D. , Orenburg, Russia