An International Petition to be submitted to Ban Ki-moon the General Secretary of the United Nations and all members of the Nations on behalf of the worlds citizens to stop the Gaza Massacre We the undersigned citizens of many nations herby demand that you Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary General of the United Nations and all members of the nations take certain elementary actions in regards to the brutal and inhumane massacre that is happening in Gaza today. Is it not enough that the people of Gaza have been caged in since 2007, suffering extreme hardship and the movement of people is blocked by the Israeli authorities but are now subjected to collective punishment. This is not a conflict among two equal forces. It is hard to imagine the pain of the children, living in daily fear and the suffering of people to both physical and mental abuse. As the Secretary General of the United Nations you know what Israel is doing is a breach of the Geneva Conventions and it is your priority to deliver humanitarian assistance and help bring justice to those discriminated against and as you stated in your opening remarks at end of year press conference in New York 17 December 2008 “In the realm of human rights, we speak of the responsibility to protect”, or the people of Gaza are not humans and have no rights It is clear that the suffering inflicted on Palestinian civilians in Gaza did not and cannot solve the issues which have taken place for 60 years. The only solution is a complete ceasefire and an end to all armed attacks on Palestinians and also opening of all borders to be able to send all the essential nutritional and medical aids to the people under siege. We regard such actions as an entirely sensible, achievable and desirable act, which would save lives, alleviate suffering and create better conditions for any attempt to achieve peace among the Palestinian and Israeli people. However, no lasting solution is possible while Palestine continue to remain under occupation.
We are the citizens of many nations would like to raise our voices in a demonstration against the brutal attack on the Palestinian people of Gaza