Americans Against Horse Slaughter

We, the undersigned, AMERICANS AGAINST HORSE SLAUGHTER, urge Congress to pass the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act to end the horrific practice of transporting and slaughtering horses for human consumption abroad. No horse should face such a cruel and brutal end. In America, no horse is bred for food. He is bred for sport, industry and agriculture. Many are companions just like our dogs and cats. Our country was built on the back of horses who still serve our country to this day. Horses protect our borders as well as helping police protect our cities. They provide programs that help those with disabilities. When you ask people about the practice of horse slaughter, the vast majority find this practice shocking and indefensible. Horse slaughter is NOT euthanasia but it is the painful butchering of these American icons. Most of these horses are young, healthy and well suited for placement in loving homes. Recent court rulings have shut down the three slaughter plants in the U.S. but foreign companies are still able to export American horses to slaughter houses in Mexico and Canada. Without a federal ban, they will continue to transport horses across our borders for slaughter. Without a federal ban, we stand the chance of a new slaughter facility opening within our country. We appeal to Congress to end this cruel and inhumane practice once and for all by passing HR503/S311