signers. Add your name now!

signers. Almost there! Add your voice!

Rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment are a plague on the Armed
Forces of the United States of America. This crisis threatens our
national security by undermining operational readiness, draining morale,
harming retention, and destroying lives.
The government has studied this issue for decades,
and yet, assaults on our troops continue year after year with no end in
sight. Sexual predators regularly walk away with slaps on the
wrist instead of hard time. Servicemembers who are preyed upon have
little to no protection against unsympathetic commanders and vengeful
perpetrators. A hostile workplace environment of harassment and
intimidation prevails.
We believe that Americans should not sacrifice their
right to bodily integrity when they step forward to serve our nation. Turning a blind eye to crimes committed by sexual predators goes
against the core values that are the hallmark of military leadership. Honor is found in the integrity, courage and commitment of troops and
leaders to do the right thing and confront this crisis, protect and care
for their own, and punish those who dare to harm a sister or brother in
We, the undersigned, call on the United States
Congress to hold the U.S. Armed Forces accountable for this crisis and
to immediately develop and implement a comprehensive plan to eliminate
rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment from our nation's military
DISCLAIMER: We welcome personal stories and thoughts in signature comments. However, please do not post personal contact information as this is visible by all petition signatories. Email addresses entered in the signature field are only viewable by SWAN staff and will be kept confidential. If you'd like to contact SWAN directly, you may do so at 212-683-0015 Ext. 324 or info@servicewomen.org. Thank you!
DISCLAIMER: We welcome personal stories and thoughts in signature comments. However, please do not post personal contact information as this is visible by all petition signatories. Email addresses entered in the signature field are only viewable by SWAN staff and will be kept confidential. If you'd like to contact SWAN directly, you may do so at 212-683-0015 Ext. 324 or info@servicewomen.org. Thank you!
Service Women's Action Network (SWAN)