Make ending sexual violence at UMass Amherst a priority!

Recognizing that the University of Massachusetts Amherst’s current Code of Student Conduct concerning sexual assault is inadequate and does nothing more than state that “Sexual assault or any other uninvited behavior of a sexually explicit nature” is a violation of the Code. Further recognizing that a new sexual assault policy must be written and that the expertise of a staff person from Everywoman’s Center is essential to the construction of a sexual assault policy that meets the needs of students at UMass Amherst. Further recognizing that the recently appointed Commission to review the UMass Amherst Code of Student Conduct excludes a staff person from Everywoman’s Center. We the undersigned call upon Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life, Jean Kim, to make ending sexual assault at UMass Amherst a priority by revising the Code of Student Conduct’s sexual assault policy and by appointing an Everywoman’s Center staff person with expertise in sexual assault intervention and prevention to the Commission to review the Code of Student Conduct.