Give The Eye of Judgment a future

All of the official Eye of Judgment sites are banding together to draft a proposal to Sony Computer Entertainment International in order to convince them to keep supporting and expanding the Eye of Judgment. With all the issues our beloved game has had, and is having, the official EOJ sites are taking it upon themselves to assist SCEI with the development of EOJ, and to provide constructive community support. SCEA support this initiative, and will do what is necessary to assist us. Mark Valledor from SCEA commented that they have never seen such a passionate community on any other game they have worked on (and they have worked on many). It will take all the EOJ sites and communities banding together to truly make an impact on SCEI. This means that we also need your support!!! This petition is just a small part of the package that will be forwarded to SCEI. We need an accurate gauge of how many active supporters of EOJ there are. To this end, we are asking for everyone who supports EOJ now, and will continue to support EOJ into the future to sign this petition. Please make sure you also include your PSN name. Also try to get everyone that you know that plays and loves EOJ to also sign this petition. Thanks.